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Applications / What do the staff roles actually mean?
« Last post by Loaf on November 30, 2017, 01:35:05 am »
Here is a hard and fast guide to the three major staff roles.

Moderator: Basically an administrative janitor. Talks to players about bad behavior, handles ahelps, dishes out bans as appropriate. This position is basically 'admin lite' in the sense that you aren't expected to do anything but handle day to day stuff and accordingly aren't given full admin permissions on server.

Game Administrator: You do everything a mod does but you are also expected to take an active role in managing the community and direction of the server. You have full power on server to do what you like, be that run events, mess with people's hair colour, etc. This position is quite broad and generally if you have it you're expected to know how to keep yourself from stepping over the line from Cool Fun Guy to unprofessional/destructive.

Developer: You look after the GitHub repository. You review open pull requests, maintain the list of bugs on the tracker, and generally ensure that the code is healthy and people aren't shoving in meme PRs that damage the maintainability and quality of the source. This position is distinct from being a contributor - anyone with a GitHub account and a working knowledge of Dream Maker can contribute - but it follows that to be a good developer and maintainer, you should be intimately familiar with contributing as well.
Applications / Application template.
« Last post by Loaf on November 30, 2017, 01:30:03 am »
Use this for making a staff position application:

Code: [Select]
[b]What position are you applying for?[/b] Moderator/Game Admin/Developer
[b]BYOND Key:[/b]
[b]GitHub profile URL:[/b] (For developers only)
[b]Why do you want this position?[/b]
[b]Why should you be given this position?[/b]
Announcements / Server and community rules.
« Last post by Loaf on November 30, 2017, 01:20:31 am »
Hi. This is basically a crosspost from the Discord channel rules.

Remember the player. This is ultimately just a game, and everyone involved is just as human as you are. Consider how you are treating others, how you are coming across, and how much of a pain in the butt it is to communicate clear tone and emotion in text. Try to be kind to each other. Nobody is a perfect saint 100% of the time, but we all need to make an effort.

COMMUNITY RULES (Discord and forums)
  • All game rules apply, where applicable. Obviously the Discord and forums aren't IC media, but the same standards of OOC conduct apply.
  • Try to keep your nickname readable. This goes double if you've got a staff role, people need to know who you are.
  • Shitposting and meme spam go in #nicememe or Chatter. We have containment channels for a reason.

  • No mass-murder, bombings, floodings, etc by non-antagonists. This is griefing and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • No spamming of IC or OOC mediums. This includes excessive advertising of your server or such, excessive meaning 'to the point that it's irritating people'.
  • RP is enforced. No netspeak, meme spam, blatant OOC in IC, metagaming, metacommunications or patently absurd character concepts. This -is- SS13, so some leeway for strange or surreal concepts is allowed, but if you are unclear on something in this list, ask an admin.
  • No ERP (cybersex). This extends to excessive public displays of affection like making out. We don't care how realistic it is for people on a colony to bump uglies.
  • You are expected to perform the job that you sign up for. This doesn't mean people learning a job are unwelcome, but if you join as a doctor and intend to do nothing all round but hide in maintenance, you can expect a jobban.
  • Racism, sexism, and questionable content are not allowed. This applies as a blanket ban on OOC channels and at admin discretion on IC channels, subject to the behavior being tasteful and not disruptive or offensive to the players involved. If it's something that would be disrespectful in a real world context, don't do it on OOC.
  • Admins reserve the right to ban you on their own terms. They will be held to scrutiny from the rest of the team and you can always appeal, but ultimately they're trusted to run the server.
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