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psi [2018/01/05 15:23]
psi [2018/01/05 16:32]
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 Very few effective shielding materials against psi have been discovered outside of extremely expensive directed energy enclosures, but nullglass is one of the most reliable. It is a smooth, brittle, translucent red-purple material that is opaque to the majority of analytical techniques known to human science, and its means of manufacture is a closely guarded industrial secret. Currently only a handful of individuals are able to produce the substance, and generally only in low quantities. Its effect on psi-users is immediate and drastic: an operant in physical contact with nullglass will find their active effects slipping away and be rendered unable to manifest more. Very few effective shielding materials against psi have been discovered outside of extremely expensive directed energy enclosures, but nullglass is one of the most reliable. It is a smooth, brittle, translucent red-purple material that is opaque to the majority of analytical techniques known to human science, and its means of manufacture is a closely guarded industrial secret. Currently only a handful of individuals are able to produce the substance, and generally only in low quantities. Its effect on psi-users is immediate and drastic: an operant in physical contact with nullglass will find their active effects slipping away and be rendered unable to manifest more.
-===== Jargon ===== +{{tag>psionics ​overview technology}}
- +
-  * Bright Continua: the neighboring slices of the multiverse theorized to be the medium by which psi effects are achieved. Popularized as an ‘astral plane’ in operant media. +
-  * Dark Continua: realms beyond the Bright Continua; a sort of slur used to cover illegal/​shady/​immoral uses of psi. +
-  * The Real: our continuum; realspace. +
-  * Faculty: a discrete ‘school’ of psi power. +
-  * Operant: a functional psi-user with one or more developed psi faculties. +
-  * Blank: not latent or operant; baseline human, unaltered by the Signal. +
-  * Latent: not yet operant, but potentially capable of developing operant faculties. +
-  * Backblast: an effect by which over-extending psi power results in an energetic bleed from the Bright Continua and corresponding flash burns/​trauma inside the operant’s brain. +
-  * Burnout: someone who has suffered permanent brain damage from overuse of psi. +
-  * Paramount: an informal designation for someone whose operant faculties exceed ‘normal’ maximums, usually from illegal study and modification of the Signal or invasive implants like CE rigs. +
-  *  +
-{{tag>psi overview technology}}+
psi.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/05 16:41 by copernicus