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The Frontier

The Frontier
Capitol None.
Territory The Kuiper belt
Government No central authority, tends to be force of arms.
Population Unclear, no more than several million permanent residents.
Imports People, food and materials.
Exports Ethically grey science, exciting stories, corpses, excuses for naval exercises.
Industries Mining, research, criminal enterprise.

Wildly varying in population, culture, appearance and nature between habitats and clusters. Almost entirely free of control from a government or other humans due to the vast areas of space they inhabit and the freely available resources. Permanent residents are rare and life in the Belt is dangerous for most due to asteroids, pirates, lack of support and help, and being officially off the grid and off the radar of people who could help you. This is the area to find bizarre experimental habitats, rogue AIs, pirate havens and such.

the_frontier.1515176477.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/05 18:21 by copernicus